Второстепенный процессор H8S/2639 на приборную панель c монохромным дисплеем Audi S6 III (C6) 2006-2008

Цена: 5 000 руб.
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Артикул 009655
Модель и марка Audi S6 III (C6) 2006-2008
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Количество просмотров 268


В нашем интернет магазине Вы можете купить второстепенный процессор (микроконтроллер) H8S/2639 производства Renesas Technology Corp панели приборов с монохромным дисплеем  Audi S6 III (C6) 2006-2008 по минимальной цене в Москве, а так же воспользоваться услугой по ремонту приборной панели с монохромным дисплеем Audi S6 III (C6) 2006-2008

These LSIs are high-performance microcomputers with a 32-bit H8S/2600 CPU core and a variety
of built-in peripheral functions necessary for a system configuration.
The built-in peripheral devices include a 16-bit timer pulse unit (TPU), a programmable pulse
generator (PPG)*1, a watchdog timer (WDT), 8-bit timers, a 14-bit PWM timer (PWM)*1, serial
communication interfaces (SCI, IrDA*1), an A/D converter, a D/A converter*1, and I/O ports. An
I2C bus interface (IIC)*1 can also be incorporated as an option. An on-chip DMA controller
(DMAC)*1 and data transfer controller (DTC)*1 perform high-speed data transfer without using
the CPU, enabling use of these LSIs as embedded microcomputers in various advanced control
systems. Two types of internal ROM-flash memory (F-ZTAT
) and mask ROM-are available,
providing a quick and flexible response to conditions from ramp-up through full-scale volume
production, even for applications with frequently changing specifications.
Notes: 1
This function is not available in the H8S/2695.
F-ZTAT is a trademark of Renesas Technology Corp.
Target Users: This manual was written for users who will be using the H8S/2633 Group,
H8S/2633R, or H8S/2695 in the design of application systems. Readers are
expected to understand the fundamentals of electrical circuits, logic circuits, and
This manual was written to provide users with an explanation of the hardware
functions and electrical characteristics of the H8S/2633 Group, H8S/2633R, and
H8S/2695. Refer to the H8S/2600 Series, H8S/2000 Series Programming Manual
for a detailed description of the instruction set.
Notes on reading this manual:
In order to understand the overall functions of the chip
Read the manual according to the contents. This manual is broadly divided into parts covering
the CPU, system control functions, peripheral functions, and electrical characteristics.
In order to understand the details of the CPU's functions
Refer to the H8S/2600 Series, H8S/2000 Series Programming Manual.
Example: Bit order: The MSB is on the left and the LSB is on the right.
Related Manuals:
The latest versions of all related manuals are available from our website.
Please ensure that you have the latest versions of all documents you require.

Телефон для связи: +7 (966) 099-30-36
Наш адрес: Москва, ул. Алтуфьевское шоссе д. 31 стр. 1 (схема проездасхема проезда)
