CAN драйвер AMIS41682NGA панели приборов Citroen DS3 I 2009-2014
Параметр | Значение |
Артикул | 007832 |
Модель и марка | Citroen DS3 I 2009-2014 |
Количество на складе | уточняйте у менеджера |
Количество просмотров | 481 |
В нашем интернет магазине Вы можете купить CAN драйвер AMIS41682NGA панели приборов Citroen DS3 I 2009-2014
Номер CAN драйвера:
Fully Compatible with ISO11898−3 Standard • Optimized for In−Car Low−speed Communication ♦ Baud Rate up to 125 kB ♦ Up to 32 Nodes can be Connected ♦ Due to Built−in Slope Control function and a very Good Matching of the CANL and CANH bus outputs, this device realizes a very low electromagnetic emission (EME) ♦ Fully Integrated Receiver Filters ♦ Permanent Dominant Monitoring of Transmit Data Input ♦ Differential Receiver with Wide Common−Mode Range for High Electromagnetic Susceptibility (EMS) in Normal− and Low−Power Modes ♦ True 3.3 V Digital I/O Interface to CAN Controller for AMIS−41683 Only • Management in Case of Bus Failure ♦ In the Event of Bus Failures, Automatic Switching to Single−Wire Mode, even when the CANH Bus Wire is Short−Circuited to VCC ♦ The Device will Automatically Reset to Differential Mode if the Bus Failure is Removed ♦ During Failure Modes There is Full Wake−up Capability ♦ Unpowered Nodes do not Disturb Bus Lines ♦ Bus Errors and Thermal Shutdown Activation is Flagged on ERR Pin
Телефон для связи: +7 (966) 099-30-36
Наш адрес: Москва, ул. Алтуфьевское шоссе д. 31 стр. 1 (схема проездасхема проезда)