Графический процессор 64F2639F20 панели приборов Audi Q7 I (4L) 2005-2009 с монохромным дисплеем

Цена: 2 000 руб.
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Артикул 006245
Модель и марка Audi Q7 I (4L) 2005-2009
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Количество просмотров 380


В нашем интернет магазине Вы можете купить графический процессор 64F2639F20 панели приборов Audi Q7 I (4L) 2005-2009 с монохромным дисплеем производства RENESAS, а так же воспользоваться услугой по ремонту приборной панели Audi Q7 I (4L) 2005-2009

Overview The H8S/2636, H8S/2638, H8S/2639, H8S/2630, H8S/2635, and H8S/2634 are microcomputers (MCUs: microcomputer units), built around the H8S/2600 CPU, employing Renesas Technology's proprietary architecture, and equipped with peripheral functions on-chip. The H8S/2600 CPU has an internal 32-bit architecture, is provided with sixteen 16-bit general registers and a concise, optimized instruction set designed for high-speed operation, and can address a 16-Mbyte linear address space. The instruction set is upward-compatible with H8/300 and H8/300H CPU instructions at the object-code level, facilitating migration from the H8/300, H8/300L, or H8/300H Series. On-chip peripheral functions required for system configuration include data transfer controller (DTC) bus masters, ROM and RAM memory, a16-bit timer-pulse unit (TPU), programmable pulse generator (PPG), motor control PWM timer (PWM) watchdog timer (WDT), serial communication interface (SCI), A/D converter, D/A converter, controller area network (HCAN) and I/O ports. An I2 C bus interface (IIC) is available as an option in the H8S/2638, H8S/2639, and H8S/2630. On-chip ROM is available as 128-kbyte, 192-kbyte, 256-kbyte, and 384-kbyte flash memory (FZTAT™* version), and as 128-kbyte, 192-kbyte, 256-kbyte, and 384-kbyte mask ROM. ROM is connected to the CPU via a 16-bit data bus, enabling both byte and word data to be accessed in one state. Instruction fetching has been speeded up, and processing speed increased. Four operating modes, modes 4 to 7, are provided, and there is a choice of single-chip mode or external expansion mode. Subclock (32 kHz oscillation) functions are available in the U-mask and W-mask versions only. These functions cannot be used with the other versions. The features of the H8S/2636, H8S/2638, H8S/2639, H8S/2630, H8S/2635, and H8S/2634 are shown in table 1-1.

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Наш адрес: Москва, ул. Алтуфьевское шоссе д. 31 стр. 1 (схема проездасхема проезда)
